In our last post we compared the average garage to an oversized junk drawer. Serving as a catch-all for every item that doesn’t have a proper place, many garages are so disorganized, homeowners have to park their cars elsewhere!
Ken was highly organized in every area of his life and home – with the exception of his garage. He, his wife and two teenage kids are runners, skiers and bikers. Due to their active lifestyle, their garage was a high-traffic area, but it wasn’t working well.
Tired of coming home to the chaos day after day, Ken engaged us to create and install custom cabinetry to optimize garage storage and organization. Following an initial consultation, we designed a plan, Ken and his wife selected colours and hardware, and we got to work.
Today, large custom cabinetry accommodates patio cushions off-season. A locker houses ski equipment while bikes hang safely out of the way. Tools reside in a functioning work bench area and, most importantly, the car still fits!
As the after shot below shows, cabinets are an aesthetically pleasing method of garage storage and organization.
Check out our selection of cabinets here.