The warmer, longer days of summer are upon us, and it’s the perfect time for undertaking organization projects that require being outside. Did you know that 50% of homeowners say that the most unorganized part of their home is the garage? If you have a garage, now is the perfect time to spend some time cleaning and organizing it.
Today we’re sharing some basic tips to clean and organize your garage from start to finish.
Empty your garage.
Completely emptying a garage is not always the first thing that comes to mind when you’re getting organized. While it might seem far easier to just clean around the items in your garage, emptying it will be extremely helpful when you begin the organization process.
After you’ve taken everything out, dust and sweep the entire garage. When you are finished cleaning, you’ll have a blank slate for creating an organization strategy. This can help you visualize new ways to add storage using different options for hooks, shelving and more.
Take this opportunity to decide which items you really need, and which you can donate or discard.
Make zones.
When your garage is clutter-free, create a map of the floorplan. If you are thinking about adding built-in storage or shelves, be sure to measure the length of your walls and make note of where your windows are. Also, measure the height of your garage from ceiling to floor. You can then use the inventory of the items you’ll be keeping and design zones to classify related.
Utilize the ceilings and walls.
Adding hanging cabinets or shelves to an empty wall will help keep you organized. Using the measurements you took will determine the length of the shelves or the size of the cabinets that can fit in a certain place. Consider utilizing the height of your garage to include loft storage areas. By stowing some items near the ceiling, they will be out of the way yet easily accessible when you need them.
Add built-in storage and racks.
Placing things like lawn equipment and bikes on racks is a simple way to keep them from seeming like useless clutter. Racks can also help organize items because you can hang related items on the same rack. Cabinets that are built-in can also be used to shelter items that you don’t want to be exposed.
Create sections and add labels.
Label any containers and boxes with a concise description of the contents. Store them with the labels facing outward and keep all related items in their predetermined zone. These labels are not only useful for organizing the items you currently have, but they will be helpful for future storage.
If you’re looking for a better way to organize your garage, contact our renovation specialists today to schedule a complimentary in-home consultation. We’ll help you get the most out of your garage space with our innovative solutions.